For families

I offer advice about how to get help for your child or teenager


At a time when children’s and adolescents’ mental health services are stretched almost to breaking point, it can be enormously confusing for parents who seek professional support and help for their troubled child or teenager.

Help can be needed when faced with life’s ‘normal’ traumas, such as bereavement or divorce

But what about less normal issues? What help is needed for a child or young person who may be depressed, perhaps self-harming, is unbearably anxious, refusing to attend school, or not sleeping?

Should a counsellor be sought? Or a psychotherapist? A child psychiatrist? A family therapist? A clinical psychologist? Via the NHS or privately? How can the school support?

This confusion can be even more acute after a child has been diagnosed, for example, with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). These are known as ‘neuro-diverse diagnoses’.

At this point, parents may have a diagnosis that describes their child’s difficulties, but they may be offered no guidance on what they might need to put in place to support their child at home and at school.

For all these questions and more, parents are welcome to contact me for a SINGLE SESSION, VIDEO (Zoom) consultation.

There is no charge for this service.

Consultations are offered for up to 90 minutes.

Do note that consultations are NOT intended as a substitute for mental health treatment nor as ‘psychology-light’ or ‘therapy-light’, but as a guide for parents to find a way to get help that is appropriate and helpful for your child.

Simply complete the form below to find out more.


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