Dr. Susan Krasner

Clinical Psychologist

About Dr. Krasner

Susan works with families and professionals.

She provides a consultative clinical psychology service based on four decades of experience and expertise in understanding the emotional, developmental and social needs of children, adolescents and young adults.


Services for families and professionals

Simply click on the relevant link below, to find out more.

What people say about Dr. Krasner

“Thank you so much for all your advice and support, our short series of sessions was immeasurably helpful. I can’t thank you enough.”

“Thank you so much for [the webinar] last night – another triumph. I was wrong over numbers as it was even higher at over 220 families. I suspect word went out after the Tuesday one that you were fantastic so more attended than had booked. So many many thanks.”

“We will all miss the service you provide and your personal help and advice over the years…It has been invaluable to us.”

Contact Dr. Krasner

Simply complete the form below and Susan will endeavour to respond within three days. (You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.)


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